
2024 European elections: EU citizens also entitled to vote in Germany


The 10th direct elections to the European Parliament are being held in the EU on 06th to 09th June 2024. In Germany, these elections will take place on Sunday, 09th June 2024.

Union citizens from other EU Member States who live in Germany may vote in either their home Member State or in Germany as their Member State of residence, but everyone may only vote once.

To vote in Germany, you must be registered in your place of residence in Germany. Once registered, you will automatically be notified of future European elections.

To register, you must apply at the town or city hall of your place of residence by Sunday,19th May 2024 at the latest.

You may also register by mail to the municipality of your place of residence.
(Please note the official opening hours and time needed for mail delivery!).

For a registration form and information sheet, please visit www.bundeswahlleiter.de/europawahlen/2024/informationen-waehler/unionsbuerger.html.

or your municipal administration.

You will find more information about voting in all the official EU languages at www.bmi.bund.de/europeans-vote-in-germany.